Week 2 Reflection

 I learned a lot this week that will help me as a future teacher. I learned about observation and the different ways to assess students. To start, this week explained the difference between objective and subjective. I learned that objective is not influenced by emotions, is based on facts, and is measurable. On the other hand, subjective is open to greater interpretation based on your personal feelings. We also learned about checklists, rating scales, and rubrics this week. Checklists are organized lists of skills and behaviors. Rating scales are also organized lists of skills and behavior but it also has levels of performance. Lastly, there are two types of rubrics which are analytic and holistic. An analytic rubric describes and scores each of the tasks attributes separately while a holistic rubric describes all criteria for one score. We did an analytical rubric in class to show our learning. 

In my future classroom, I will use the running record observation when I am observing a child throughout the day. I will go back many times throughout the day to observe the child. I would use the anecdotal observation method when I am observing a single incident of a child. For example, it would be a certain part of the day such as sitting on the carpet for the calendar. I would do time sampling in my classroom when a child is doing something I need to see if they are involved or off task during a certain activity. Lastly, I would use event sampling in my classroom when I need to observe certain behaviors of a child. 

When we did the analytic rubric in class I did not find it too difficult. After going over it in class I realized that mine needs to be more detailed and more broken down. I think at first it may be difficult but the more I do it the easier it will get!

Example of running record observation for my future classroom:

How you can write childcare observations using different methods |  Observation, Teacher observation, Learning stories

example of time sampling for my future classroom:

Time Sampling Concept & Examples | What is Time Sampling? - Video & Lesson  Transcript | Study.com


  1. I really love the images you chose to incorporate in your blog posts this week. I think they are great tools to notice and save in your teacher toolbox. I also really like that you included what you would include in your classroom and how you would incorporate it! Great job!

  2. Hi Bailey! I love your post! I also am planning on using a running record to document my students growth. I do it currently at my job and find it to be super beneficial. I think that adding images on your post was a great idea and gave me a visual. I think the more we practice developing rubrics we will do much better next time! Great post!

  3. Bailey, I love the picture you attached as an example for the rubric


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