Week 4 Reflection

     I learned a lot about Bloom's Taxonomy and DOK during week 4. To start, Bloom's Taxonomy has 6 different levels. The levels in order from 1 to 6 are, remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Remembering is the most basic and is about the students recalling key information. Understanding involves demonstrating an understanding of the facts that students remember. Applying is concerned with how students can take their knowledge and understanding and apply it to different situations. Analyzing is about students being able to draw connections between ideas, thinking critically, to break down information into the sum of its parts. Evaluating is about students finding effective solutions to a problem and they can justify conclusions. Creating is the ultimate aim of the students learning journey. The students show what they have learned by creating something new. 

    Depth of Knowledge (DOK) is used to indicate activity complexity. There are four different steps of DOK. The first step is recall and reproduction. It involves recalling information such as a fact, definitions, etc. The second step of DOK is skills and concepts. It involves making connections between certain pieces of information. The third step of DOK is strategic thinking. It involves a more demanding cognitive reasoning that is abstract and complex. The last step of DOK is extended thinking. It involves highly sophisticated and creative thinking and there is no correct answer. 

   I can use Bloom's Taxonomy and DOK in my future classroom. They will both allow me to assess my students in a consistent way. It will let me see what level they are on and if we need to spend more time on the information or not. They will also help me when I am creating lesson plans. Overall, I learned a lot about Bloom's Taxonomy and DOK during week 4.

Bloom's Taxonomy: 

Bloom's Taxonomy | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University


Depth of Knowledge (DOK) - Leveled Questioning


  1. Hi Bailey! I love your post! I like how you explained each level. I too want to use these frameworks to assess my students to see if I need to spend more time on a topic or move on. I also like your image of DOK I wanted to include that one but couldn't find it! Great post!

  2. Hi Bailey! I highly agree with how both Bloom's and Webb's will help with making assessments for consistent and helping to focus those lesson plans. I like how you included how if they can also show you where your students are at and either progress or stay at that level based on their needs. Loved this!


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