
Showing posts from September, 2022

Week 5 Reflection

      It is important to work to set up learning objectives for many reasons. To start, a learning objective is a statement that describes exactly what students will be able to do at the end of a lesson as a result of instruction. Learning objectives help measure whether students are where you would like them to be during and after the lesson. While developing effective learning objectives you can use the ABCD formula. A stands for audience. B stands for behavior. C stands for conditions. D stands for degree. The ABCD formula helps identify what the students will be able to do as a result of the instruction. The objectives for behavior describe what the students will be able to do and how they will demonstrate their knowledge. The objectives for conditions describe any resources and limitations for performing the behavior. The learning objectives for degree describe the level or criteria with which success is determined. A common challenge when creating lesson object...

Week 4 Reflection

      I learned a lot about Bloom's Taxonomy and DOK during week 4. To start, Bloom's Taxonomy has 6 different levels. The levels in order from 1 to 6 are, remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Remembering is the most basic and is about the students recalling key information. Understanding involves demonstrating an understanding of the facts that students remember. Applying is concerned with how students can take their knowledge and understanding and apply it to different situations. Analyzing is about students being able to draw connections between ideas, thinking critically, to break down information into the sum of its parts. Evaluating is about students finding effective solutions to a problem and they can justify conclusions. Creating is the ultimate aim of the students learning journey. The students show what they have learned by creating something new.       Depth of Knowledge (DOK) is used to indicate a...

Week 3 Reflection

 I learned a lot during week 3 about documentation that will help me in my future classroom. Documentation is a dynamic record of child progress. There are two different formats of documentation. The first format is documentation panels. The purpose of documentation panels is to showcase how and what your classroom children are learning. The second format of documentation is portfolios. Portfolios are purposeful and systematic collections of evidence of a child's work and learning. It is collected over time. We also learned about Reggio Emilia and the project approach.  The Reggio Emilia approach and the project approach allow for a projects over a long period of time that demonstrate the learning. The conventinal style only shows how far they have come but not their thinking behind it, The conventianal is used for the teachers and parents while the project based is used for the children. The convential documentation is more of a formative assessment while the Reggio Emilia an...

Week 2 Reflection

 I learned a lot this week that will help me as a future teacher. I learned about observation and the different ways to assess students. To start, this week explained the difference between objective and subjective. I learned that objective is not influenced by emotions, is based on facts, and is measurable. On the other hand, subjective is open to greater interpretation based on your personal feelings. We also learned about checklists, rating scales, and rubrics this week. Checklists are organized lists of skills and behaviors. Rating scales are also organized lists of skills and behavior but it also has levels of performance. Lastly, there are two types of rubrics which are analytic and holistic. An analytic rubric describes and scores each of the tasks attributes separately while a holistic rubric describes all criteria for one score. We did an analytical rubric in class to show our learning.  In my future classroom, I will use the running record observation when I am obser...