Week 5 Reflection

     It is important to work to set up learning objectives for many reasons. To start, a learning objective is a statement that describes exactly what students will be able to do at the end of a lesson as a result of instruction. Learning objectives help measure whether students are where you would like them to be during and after the lesson. While developing effective learning objectives you can use the ABCD formula. A stands for audience. B stands for behavior. C stands for conditions. D stands for degree. The ABCD formula helps identify what the students will be able to do as a result of the instruction. The objectives for behavior describe what the students will be able to do and how they will demonstrate their knowledge. The objectives for conditions describe any resources and limitations for performing the behavior. The learning objectives for degree describe the level or criteria with which success is determined. A common challenge when creating lesson objectives is the implementation of conditions. Another common challenge is the proper use of the degree of accuracy. 

    I learned a lot from Ms. Lauren's presentation. To start, we learned about standards-based grading. The 4-3-2-1 is used in elementary school rather than A, B, C, D, F. 4 is considered advanced understanding. 3 is considered proficient. 2 is considered approaching. 1 is considered novice. She also gave us examples of different lessons aligned to standards. One that stuck out to me was math and it was an exit ticket. On this math exit ticket, there was only one question. This allows the students to show what they know. The exit ticket is a formative assessment. Ms. Lauren mentions that it is okay to put open-ended questions on a quiz rather than just multiple-choice questions. She also mentions assessing one thing per subject per week for students. She lastly talked about assessment accommodations. Some accommodations she mentions are quiet offices, timers, small group read-alounds, friendly fonts, and layouts, and use your resources (aids, ELL teacher, reading teacher, etc.)! Overall, I learned a lot from Ms. Lauren.

The Teacher's Guide to Standards-Based Grading - Teach Without Tears


  1. Great work Bailey! I liked how Ms. Lauren said that is way okay to use open-ended questions, this gives students the opportunity to express their learning rather than justa. multiple-choice question. I included the accommodations in my reflected too, I also feel like I learned a lot from Ms. Lauren!

  2. Hi Bailey! I like how detailed you were in your reflection this week as you provided a lot of great information from the class. It was interesting to hear about how they use 4,3,2,1 in elementary school instead of A,B,C,D. I'm glad Ms. Lauren was able to speak with our class. Great post!

  3. Hi Bailey, you did a very good and thorough job of walking through all of the parts of ABCD objectives and I liked your mentioning of exit tickets which also came up today in my SPED class as a useful tool.


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